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The application from the previous section is very rudimentary. Let us enhance it a bit.

Instead of always printing the time in UTC, let us accept a query parameter named local and respond with the time in the local time zone when it is set to true.

Obviously, this requires extracting a query parameter from the request. So far, we have not looked at the type of requests and operations allowed on them. So let us do that first.


The request parameter to handler functions has the type Linked (req :: [Type]) Request. This might look confusing if you are not familiar with type-level programming in Haskell. The annotation req :: [Type] means that this type parameter is a list of types and not a single type. So Linked [Bool, Int] Request is a valid type, but Linked Char Request is not.

You must be wondering why we need to "link" a request with a list of types. Well, many attributes such as query parameters are optional, they may not exist for a given request or may not have the right type. So instead of checking the presence of an attribute in the request every time we need it, we check it once at the beginning. If this is successful, we record that fact in this list of types req.

Such attributes are called traits in WebGear terminology. Query parameters, path variables, headers, HTTP methods are all examples of traits.

So how does this work in practice? Here is the modified application supporting a query parameter named local.

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications  #-}

import Control.Monad.IO.Class   (MonadIO (liftIO))
import Data.Time                (getCurrentTime, getZonedTime)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import WebGear

getTime :: Handler '[] String
getTime = queryParam @"local" @Bool getTimeHandler

getTimeHandler :: Has (QueryParam "local" Bool) req => Handler req String
getTimeHandler = Kleisli $
  \request -> do
    let local = get (Proxy @(QueryParam "local" Bool)) request
    if local
      then ok200 . show <$> liftIO getZonedTime
      else ok200 . show <$> liftIO getCurrentTime

main :: IO ()
main = run 3000 (toApplication getTime)


curl is a handy tool to test HTTP APIs:

curl --get 'http://localhost:3000' --data-urlencode 'local=True'  # Local time
curl --get 'http://localhost:3000' --data-urlencode 'local=False' # UTC time
curl --get 'http://localhost:3000'                                # 400 Bad Request

Handler Type

Did you notice that the type of getTime changed from MonadIO m => Kleisli m a (Response String) to Handler '[] String? It is not really a change because Handler is defined as:

type Handler req a = Kleisli Router (Linked req Request) (Response a)

Router has a MonadIO instance (besides other functionality), so this is not very different from the previous type.

Using Traits

Using traits in your API handlers is easy.

First, when you start processing the request in your handler, we don't know whether any of the traits that we are interested in is present in the request. So the handler has the type Handler '[] a; the list of traits is empty.

Second, functions such as queryParam verify the presence of a trait and then invoke another handler (getTimeHandler in the above example). In this case, queryParam invokes getTimeHandler only if the request has the trait QueryParam "local" Bool. Presence of this trait indicates that the request has a query parameter named local and it can be parsed to a boolean value. The type of getTimeHandler is Has (QueryParam"local" Bool) req => Handler req String indicating that it is verified already that the request has the trait.

Third, the get function is used to retrieve the value of a trait attribute, in our example, the query parameter value as a Bool. This function can only be used if you have the appropriate Has constraint for your handler. This is a type-safe access mechanism for trait attributes.


The DataKinds language extension enables promotion of data constructors to type constructors. With this extension, we could use some values as types. For example, we already saw types such as Linked '[] Request and QueryParam "local" Bool; both '[] - the empty list - and "local" - a string literal - are used as types here. This extension helps to define expressive APIs in WebGear. Read more about this extension in GHC documentation.

Defining Traits

Most of the time, you can just use traits defined by WebGear as mentioned above and be done with it. But you can easily define your own traits as well if the traits provided out of the box are insufficient.

All you need to do is define a new data type and have an instance of Trait type class. For example, here is how you would implement the QueryParam trait:

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, FlexibleInstances, InstanceSigs, MultiParamTypeClasses,
             ScopedTypeVariables, TypeApplications, TypeFamilies #-}

import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, Symbol)
import WebGear

data QueryParam (name :: Symbol) val

instance (KnownSymbol name, FromHttpApiData val, Monad m)
  => Trait (QueryParam name val) Request m where

  -- Trait attribute retrieved on success
  type Attribute (QueryParam name val) Request = val
  -- An error value on failure
  type Absence (QueryParam name val) Request =
    Either ParamNotFound ParamParseError

  toAttribute :: Request -> m (Result (QueryParam name val) Request)
  toAttribute r = return $ do
    case getRequestParam (Proxy @name) r of
      Nothing -> NotFound (Left ParamNotFound)
      Just x  -> case parseQueryParam x of
                   Left e  -> NotFound (Right $ ParamParseError e)
                   Right v -> Found v

getRequestParam :: KnownSymbol name => Proxy name -> Request -> Maybe Text
getRequestParam = ...


If you are not familiar with Symbol, KnownSymbol etc, they introduce type level string literals. All string literals at type level are of kind Symbol and they are instances of KnownSymbol type class. You can use the symbolVal function to convert them to a String value.

The Trait type class defined two associated types. The type Attribute is the trait attribute value when the trait is present in the request. The type Absence is used to indicate absence of a trait; this could be some sort of error value.

The toAttribute function either returns a Found value with an Attribute on success, or a NotFound value with an Absence on failure.

Now we have a way of defining traits and checking their presence in the request. But there is still a missing piece. Our handlers accept a parameter of type Linked req Request. How do we construct a value of this type?


As already explained, a Linked req Request value is essentially a request with a list of traits - req - that are known to be present for this request. How does this list get built? Obviously we cannot have a function that adds arbitrary traits to this list. A trait should be added to this list if and only if the toAttribute function returns a Found value. Otherwise, all the type-safety guarantees will be void.

This is where linking comes in. These are the functions that let us operate on linked values:

  1. link :: a -> Linked '[] a lets us "promote" a regular value to a linked value with no traits proven on it. Think of this as a first step in starting to work with linked values.
  2. unlink :: Linked ts a -> a is the opposite operation. You use it to extract the value out of a linked value.
  3. probe :: Trait t a m => Linked ts a -> m (Either (Absence t a) (Linked (t:ts) a)) grows the type level list of traits in a linked value. Given a linked value which has a list of traits already established, this function will probe for another trait t using the toAttribute function. If the trait is found, it will return a Linked (t:ts) a value thereby adding the trait to the type level list. If the trait is not present, you get the Absence t a indicating an error.


In summary, this is how you use traits:

  1. Define a data type T for the trait.
  2. Define an instance of Trait type class for this type.
  3. In your handlers, add a constraint Has T req, so that you can use get (Proxy @T) request to retrieve the trait value.
  4. Use probe to check presence of traits and form linked values. These linked requests can be passed as arguments to handlers.